It's What's on the Inside That Counts
With all the buzz words these days (Collagen! Colostrum! Protein!), it’s hard to know what does what exactly for your body. So many products out there target a health-conscious consumer with very inflated marketing to show a “better for you” option. But once you pick that product up and flip it over, you see an ingredient list longer than the dictionary. Gums, seed oils, and words we cannot pronounce.. a “good for you, high in collagen” product from the shelf is actually often made in a lab with artificial ingredients. As you learned in elementary school, don’t judge a book by its cover.
Blender Bombs might look like dog food to some (yes, a Costco member told us that once), but it’s what's on the inside that counts. Each Blender Bomb has over 12 superfoods in their original form, every essential amino + fatty acid, no refined sugar, no gums, no seed oils, and an ingredient list that you cannot only pronounce but that you can SEE. We have a purpose, and so do our ingredients…which is to fuel our community one superfood smoothie at a time. Drop a bomb, add greens and frozen fruit, for a delicious smoothie with nutrients that your body can actually absorb. BOOM.